Who We Are

Rob and Sophie are two photographers living in Victoria BC. We own and operate a Photography Studio called SophiePhoto.

We are always taking pictures. In fact you could say we are driven to it. Our business is growing yet we still find time to get out and about in Victoria to capture images on our own time! Contact us at 250.661.2558 or email at sophie@sophiephoto.com

We really hope you like what you see here! If you are interested in seeing our other sites please visit us at SophiePhoto,which is our main website. There is also Sophies Blog,The Barefootpilot blog , Smug Mug or at our Facebook site! There is also a great interview of Sophie here!

Right click any image to open it up to a bigger size and if you left click the image will open as well but you will also get to view all images in the post in the form of a gallery.That is kind of new so I hope it doesn't confuse you!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sunrise +

On a few mornings , after dropping my boys off at the bus stop, my morning greets me looking like this. A tremendous place the Victoria BC!

Makes you feel lucky.

 Morning walk.


 Sophie taking shot of this fine fellow, all the while tied to a Chiwawa! 

 Okay this is actually up island, Nanoose Bay to be precise. I just love the look of the boys walking the tracks.

So glad you took the time to stop by! Please check for more updates and also check out other sites at SophiePhoto Blog along with Barefoot Pilot Blog and our Facebook Page!