Who We Are

Rob and Sophie are two photographers living in Victoria BC. We own and operate a Photography Studio called SophiePhoto.

We are always taking pictures. In fact you could say we are driven to it. Our business is growing yet we still find time to get out and about in Victoria to capture images on our own time! Contact us at 250.661.2558 or email at sophie@sophiephoto.com

We really hope you like what you see here! If you are interested in seeing our other sites please visit us at SophiePhoto,which is our main website. There is also Sophies Blog,The Barefootpilot blog , Smug Mug or at our Facebook site! There is also a great interview of Sophie here!

Right click any image to open it up to a bigger size and if you left click the image will open as well but you will also get to view all images in the post in the form of a gallery.That is kind of new so I hope it doesn't confuse you!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Drop The Boys And Take Walk

I can't think of a better way to start the day than to walk along the beach here in Cordova Bay! 

Of late the timing and the weather has been simply perfect. I drop the kids off at the bus  about 20 minutes before the sun breaks the horizon which gives me just enough time to get to the beach so I can capture some images before I head for home!

 Just moments to go before the sun shows up for another glorious West Coast day!

 And on this day I was rewarded with an amazing view of  a new day!

 Cordova Bay is teaming with all kinds of life!

I hoped you like a few of our latest samples. If you are looking for a photographers your search has ended ! Why not give us a call at 250.661.2558 or check us out at SophiePhoto, Robert McIntyre Photography or of our other blogs at SophiePhoto Victoria and Barefootpilot!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New Smug Mug Account

We have just signed up with a photo sharing company named Smug Mug! We would love for you to check out our new slideshow presentation  !

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sunrise +

On a few mornings , after dropping my boys off at the bus stop, my morning greets me looking like this. A tremendous place the Victoria BC!

Makes you feel lucky.

 Morning walk.


 Sophie taking shot of this fine fellow, all the while tied to a Chiwawa! 

 Okay this is actually up island, Nanoose Bay to be precise. I just love the look of the boys walking the tracks.

So glad you took the time to stop by! Please check for more updates and also check out other sites at SophiePhoto Blog along with Barefoot Pilot Blog and our Facebook Page!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Images From Victoria!

After you have had a look at these images please check out our other sites at SophiePhoto Blog along with Barefoot Pilot Blog and our Facebook Page!

 Down at the petting zoo at Beacon Hill Park!

A Peacock keeping a watchful eye on the goings on!

Another great attraction in Victoria is Buttery Fly Gardens!

 Up on Mt. Doug Park.

 Looking for something to do inside then the Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre is simply a must!

 This fine city is does not have the reputation of being a garden city for no reason!

 These images are from our backyard just outside of our Studio!

We also having a big heart for pets as well!

So glad you took the time to stop by! Please check for more updates and also check out other sites at SophiePhoto Blog along with Barefoot Pilot Blog and our Facebook Page!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Images Of The City

 We at SophiePhoto love this City Of Victoria BC! We think that is easily the number one place in Canada to live and to raise a family! No offense meant to the other lovely cities in Canada but we most definitely have made our choice!

We are only to happy to share some of the many images we capture when we are out about. Whether it is just across the street from our Studio or strolling along one of the many tree lined pathways found throughout this fine city!

After you have had a look at these images please check out our other sites at SophiePhoto Blog along with Barefoot Pilot Blog and our Facebook Page!

 On the look out. You just never know what you may see down at the waters edge, seals, eagles sea otters and if you really get luck maybe even an Orca Whale!

 Spending time with his Grandmother!

 Just hanging out!

One of the many great aspects of Victoria is the fact that in every neighbourhood  which  has waterfront also has access for the public.

 Blue eyes and green fields, what a lovely combination!

 The view from Mt. Doug!

When the tide goes low the reflective pools that are left behind are perfect for Skimboarding!

 And provides an amazing photo op!

Even the family pet gets into it!

So glad you took the time to stop by! Please check for more updates and also check out other sites at SophiePhoto Blog along with Barefoot Pilot Blog and our Facebook Page!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Out and About In The Lovely City Of Victoria.

We here at SophiePhoto love our home in the amazing city of Victoria British Columbia!

 Fall is a particularly favorite time of year for us. The seasonal colours bathed in the golden light of morning combine in such a way that we find ourselves drawn to photograph it!

For the first set of images it would be true to say that we came across this area to photograph almost by accident! On the drive home one day we happened upon one of the many tree lined streets. We thought to ourselves that we should come back and get some morning shots of the street which was framed with trees that were full of leaves that had just recently turned to their amazing fall colours. As an added bonus there was a Marina which we knew would also have great light in the morning.
As it turned out there is a nice little path down to the water and we both became quite enamored with what we saw and put the street shots on hold!

The scene was tranquil and to me it was like looking at a painting. A perfect start to the day.

With all the work we have had of late it can be a little hard to "find" the time to shoot for the pure joy of taking pictures.

Believe me it is worth the effort. Here is a shot of Sophie putting together a composition.

It is great for the two of us to shoot the same scene. There is a determinable difference in the way we compose and I am always intrigued by how we can see the same scene for its differences along with its similarities.

We actually did not get many of the street. In fact very few! None the less I am really happy with this one I got of Sophie as she was about to cross the street!

Rob took the boys to a skateboard park the other day.

Gabriel is perhaps not as keen about skateboarding as his brother but have having a pocket full of cars is just as fun!

Balance! So important in life as well as skateboarding!

I met up with my friend Mike the other day. Just before he brought his plane into Victoria I shot this one of a Harbour Air's DHC3 coming to the dock.

And here comes Mike!

Last shot of the post is of a sunrise just down the street from our Studio.

Thanks for stopping by! If you are looking for a professional photographer look no further! You can find our website at SophiePhoto along with more examples of our work at Sophies Blog , Robs Barefoot Pilot Blog or our Facebook Page !

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Water Park Fun In Victoria!

Kids,sun and water!

I will let the pictures tell the rest of this story!

Right click any image to open it up to a bigger size and if you left click the image will open as well but you will also get to view all images in the post in the form of a gallery.That is kind of new so I hope it doesn't confuse you!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Summer Days Gone By

One of our favorite places to go as a  family is right across the street from our house! A low tide beckons us to come and play on the exposed sandbar.

This beautiful city of ours  is built for fun in the summer!

Skim Boarding!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Our Garden City Is A Playground !

  The City of Victoria is truly an amazing place to raise a family. The sights,sounds,wide open spaces and the many variety of activities really make it Canada's crown jewel. 

Need more convincing well have a look at the following!

An open field and your best friends!

I love catching those casual moments when people are most at ease and themselves.

The magic and hypnotic power of water.

Tranquil and ever so green.

It warms your heart when your child follows in your footsteps!

Devils or Angels. Well I would say angels as long as they don't get the idea to start searching for turtles and frogs at the base of the waterwheel!

Are you looking for a photographer to capture your favorite moments and places in Victoria? Well I think you should call us! 250.661.2558 or visit our website at SophiePhoto Studios or email us at sophie@sophiephoto.com !