Who We Are

Rob and Sophie are two photographers living in Victoria BC. We own and operate a Photography Studio called SophiePhoto.

We are always taking pictures. In fact you could say we are driven to it. Our business is growing yet we still find time to get out and about in Victoria to capture images on our own time! Contact us at 250.661.2558 or email at sophie@sophiephoto.com

We really hope you like what you see here! If you are interested in seeing our other sites please visit us at SophiePhoto,which is our main website. There is also Sophies Blog,The Barefootpilot blog , Smug Mug or at our Facebook site! There is also a great interview of Sophie here!

Right click any image to open it up to a bigger size and if you left click the image will open as well but you will also get to view all images in the post in the form of a gallery.That is kind of new so I hope it doesn't confuse you!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Cleared For Take Off!

So many amazing places to visit in Victoria, none better than our own backyard!

Like our images and want to get more well then check us out at SophiePhoto, Facebook, Sophies blog and Robs barefootpilot blog!


Friday, August 12, 2011

The Flexible Comedy Of Jonathan Burns!

Part 3 of our ongoing celebration of the the Victoria International Buskers Festival !

This week's post is all about Mr Jonathan Burns and his flexible comedy! This guy really knows how to draw a crowd ,to be sure , and once he gets you watching you won't be able to tear yourself away. He gets you with his witty banter then stuns you with his crazy antics . Loved it all ! Here are a just few of the pictures we got of him wowing the crowd on this fine day in our lovely city.

He was most certainly not camera shy!

Here is explaining what he is about to do with this volunteer. My son Ben was much braver than I.

Folks do I really need to say this, don't try this at home! Only do it on the street with people who are willing to pay you to do it!

I did say he was flexible didn't I! Here he demonstrates how to step through a tennis racquet!

And then through a toilet seat!

So much fun! He was outstanding and I really can't say enough about the show. Spicy comedy with slapstick fervor! Please check him out when he comes to your town. When does he come to your town you ask? Well why don't you take the time to check out his site here and facebook here!

Like our images and want to get more well then check us out at SophiePhoto, Facebook, Sophies blog and Robs barefoot blog!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Angels Decend On Victoria!

The Victoria International Buskers Festival this past July was simply just to cool for words! Our beautiful city , in my humble opinion, was the ultimate backdrop for some of most amazing talent I have seen.

In a previous post we showcased the phenomenal Becky Hoops with this post we are showcasing the fantastic talent of The Aerial Angels! I hope you will enjoy the images we were able to capture one sunny day in super natural Victoria!

There are somethings that you'd think were obvious but get pointed out anyway. Don't try this at home!!! I am so pleased that I caught the action of the whip! That piece of celery got pretty short! Here is a hint, when you at one of their shows be the person from the crowd who demands the celery to be cut even shorter,you'll be in for a surprise!

Warming up the crowd with grace and style.

Not to mention a lot of good humour!

Swinging high above the crowd with out the comfort of a net below!

Symmetry in action!

We loved the show. These young ladies were simply too cool for school!

I hope you liked the shots we got!

If you would like to know more about the performers why not check out the link to their site here . More on the festival here and the festivals facebook page here!

And of course we would love for you to check us out at our main site at SophiePhoto , Sophie's Blog, Robs Barefootpilot blog and facebook!

Kennedy Lake

Okay so I suppose that this shot does not qualify as an image of Victoria BC! That being said I hope you will over look the location and enjoy the image none the less.
Taken on the way back from a trip we did out to Long Beach on Vancouver Island.
I give you Kennedy Lake!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Buskers Festival Victoria 2011 Hooping It Up With Becky!

Just a few weeks ago Victoria was treated to some amazing talent from around the world. The 1st annual Victoria Buskers Festival!

What a great way to spend the day walking around and watching some very talented not to mention incredibly brave performers strut their stuff!

We are planning to post more photos over the coming weeks of some the awesome performances that we were able to take in one fine afternoon in our beautiful city!

First on the list is the incredible Becky Hoops! For more info on her please follow the this link to her website and this facebook link.

She immediately warmed the crowd with great humor and charm!

We had so much fun watching her !

Here she is doing a little warm up swim!

Getting everyone involved she found this fella willing to help her out , though I am not sure he knew what he was in for!

How many hoop's can you spin at the same time!

Count them!!!

If you can!

Thanks Becky for the great show . Wishing you great success!

Stay tuned for more!